Integrative Community Therapy And Mental Healthcare

January 24, 2023

Integrative Community Therapy and its impact on mental healthcare

How communities, individuals, and the mental healthcare system can all benefit from ICT

All About Integrative Community Therapy

Integrative Community Therapy, often referred to as simply "ICT", is a unique, large group conversational approach to therapy. Guided by skilled moderators, this dialogic, therapeutic modality requires only short-term training. Integrative Community Therapy can accommodate groups from 15-200 people and can be performed successfully in an online format; a stark contrast to the one-on-one talk therapy that we in America are used to.

ICT was inspired by psychiatrist and anthropologist Dr. Adalberto Barreto, who created Terapia Comunitária Integrativa in response to an increased need for meaningful community-based mental health services in the extremely low-income neighborhoods (also known as favelas) of Fortaleza, Brazil. The five-step participatory structure elicits therapeutic community conversation and knowledge-sharing in groups of 15 or more. The primary benefits are community building, promoting a sense of “shared suffering”, providing a space of inclusion and diversity, sharing experiences to promote healthy coping strategies, and creating and reinforcing both social and support networks. By emphasizing community-building in a shared environment, ICT creates a forum for solidarity, collective healing and proliferation of resiliency.

The Impact of Integrative Community Therapy

Today, Brazil has over 42 training centers that have successfully trained 37,000 community therapists nationwide, and TCI is offered across Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe as a first-line treatment for patients who present to their primary care physician with mild to moderate mental health complaints as a supplement to medical management. Research examined surveys from 12,000 participants and found that an impressive 88.5% of participants reported that they had successfully resolved their primary mental health complaint through participation in TCI.

Related: ICT Supported by Early Research

The Vision of Visible Hands Collaborative

We are working to introduce Integrative Community Therapy as a first-line of defense to mental health concerns here in the United States. Visible Hands Collaborative is on a mission to introduce, educate, and train community members, healthcare workers, and professors on offering ICT to their communities. Our goal is to increase the breadth of moderators able to facilitate this practice in the United States, bringing this much-needed service to the communities across all of North America. Visible Hands Collaborative is seeking to pioneer ICT as a new and sustainable stream of mental health services provided by and for community members that increases equitable, affordable access while minimizing stress to existing systems.

Disrupt the mental health crisis with us

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